Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Making Herbal Cordials

Making Herbal Cordials!

With herbalist, Sarah Preston
Saturday, October 18, 2014, 1-3:30 pm

Cordials and liqueurs are a delicious way to enjoy blending the rich flavors of fruits and herbs.  They can be healthful tonics, after-dinner sipping drinks, as well as sophisticated dessert toppings, even love potions.  And they make wonderful gifts…

Join Sarah for this delightful afternoon class where you will learn several methods for making fruit and herbal cordials.  We’ll taste several of Sarah’s cordials, and make one in class.  You’ll go home with lots of ideas and recipes, as well as a bottle of steeping cordial. 

Class will be held at Radiance, 9 W Grant St, Lancaster, PA, in the heart of downtown Lancaster, just across the cobblestones from historic Central Market.
Stop in or call 717-290-1517 to register.

Cost for this class is $25.
Bring a pint 80 proof brandy, and a pint of maple syrup or honey to class.  All other materials will be supplied.

Must be 21 to take this class. 

Sarah Preston is a community herbalist in Lancaster, PA, and is owner of Herbs from the Labyrinth, LLC.  She says, “Being an herbalist is a natural extension of my life-long love of plants, trees and wild places, and my interest in natural healing, which was instilled in me by my mother.  I see herbalism as a lifelong learning process.  My spirituality deeply informs my work with herbs, just as my work with herbs informs my spirituality.   I see the Earth as the living body of the Goddess, and all living beings as parts of her body.”