Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lyme Awareness & Herbal Prevention

A workshop at Radiance with Sarah Preston &
Benjamin Weiss.
Tuesday, April 8th, 6-8PM

Tick-borne Lyme disease is a significant health risk for anyone who regularly spends time outdoors in central Pennsylvania. By early August 2013, there had already been 3 times as many reported cases of Lyme disease in Lancaster County as had been documented in all of 2012*. From 2009-11, the last years for which the Center for Disease Control has released statistics on Lyme, Pennsylvania led all states in reported cases. Nonetheless, this illness can be prevented through simple measures: understanding the disease’s life-cycle & its relationship with deer ticks, by knowing when and how to enter wooded and overgrown areas, and through basic herbal first aid. This awareness is essential to the health of individuals who love the outdoors. Please join Sarah and Ben for a brief & affordable evening workshop. Books on herbal Lyme prevention and treatment will be available for sale, as well as herbal products that may be used with guidance from professional medical help.

Sarah Preston is a consulting community herbalist, owner of Radiance and Herbs from the Labyrinth, LLC.  She says, “Being an herbalist is a natural synthesis of my life-long love of plants, trees and wild places, and my interest in natural healing.”  She has studied with Rosemary Gladstar, Matthew Wood and many other herbalists. She teaches locally and at regional herb conferences. 

Benjamin Weiss is a permaculture teacher, hiker, gardener, and forager who lives in Lancaster. As an avid nature-lover, he has dealt with his own case of Lyme disease and has supplemented conventional treatment with locally-harvested herbs using “The Buhner Protocol.” He has studied herbalism for 8 years in a mentorship with Sarah Preston. Ben teaches classes and workshops throughout the region.

To register, call Radiance, 717-290-1517, or stop in to 9 W Grant St, Lancaster.

Cost of the class:  sliding scale $30-$15

*”Uptick In Lyme Disease Cases Reported Here.” Lancaster Newspapers, 8/6/2013