Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Intro to Organic Gardening Class

Intro to Organic Gardening: Planning the Season
Thursdays, February 25th and March 4th from 6:30pm-8:45pm.

This course is perfect for people who are just getting started as gardeners, and will also provide a helpful framework to organize and reinvigorate the knowledge of seasoned backyard growers. Come one, come all!

The course will provide concise and applicable sketches of the essential systems of an organic garden: soil structure, ground cover, fertilization, irrigation, weeding, pest control, climate, lighting, and the plants themselves. All of the facets of planting, growing, tending, and harvesting produce will be covered, as well as various common and little-known methods for each of these steps. Some overarching philosophies and approaches to organic gardening will be covered as well, including, but not limited to, Permaculture, Biodynamics, Square Foot gardening, Bio-Intensive agriculture, edible and native landscaping, and Forest Gardening.

The class will be arranged with a specific emphasis on planning a garden and preparing for the upcoming season. What better way to get yourself energized for spring planting?

Other topics to be included:
∙Astrological gardening, planning & planting by the moon
∙Greenhouses, cold frames, cloches, etc.
∙Homemade fertilizers and organic pesticides
∙Companion planting & plant guilds
∙Low input organic pest control
∙Small budget organic gardens
∙Maximizing food output, unorthodox gardening methods
∙Kitchen & container gardening
∙How to make and execute a planting plan
∙Roof-top gardening
∙Heirlooms and Hybrids
∙Drip Irrigation Systems
∙Living mulches and green manure
∙Basics of composting
∙Specialized tools

This course is taught by Benjamin Weiss of Lower Susquehanna Valley Permaculture. Benjamin is an organic farmer, environmental activist, and a certified Permaculture Designer and Teacher. He has studied at The Farm Ecovillage Training Center in Tennessee, Growing Power in Wisconsin, and The Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute in Colorado.

Cost: Sliding scale of $50-$35. Classes will be held at Radiance, 9 W Grant St in downtown Lancaster, across the cobblestones from Central Market. Stop by or phone 717-290-1517 to register.