Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poem from Shekhinah

It's interesting how things happen. This morning someone placed an order on my web site for a book, Ariadne's Thread, written by my friend Shekhinah Mountainwater. Shekhinah died last August. So, missing her, I "searched" her name & found a poem I don't remember reading before. A call to heirloom apples! Here it is.

Apple Tales
by Shekhinah Mountainwater

Five things a proper apple must contain
Ripe, crisp, tart, juicy and sweet
To satisfy me tooth and tongue
And make the eating of her complete
Can these be alligned perhaps
With the magic pentacle?
Is that why She placed Her star So cleverly within?

So hard it is now to find such
In the marketplace
Apples are there so vividly displayed
In colors red and gold and green
But alas they are mealy or dry or flavorless
Even now the beloved MacIntosh.
"Delicious" grown to distorted unnatural shape
And Braeburns from Australia
That I had found still held those Five
Have also changed.

Gone are the true authentic apples
Fading from our world even as Gaia herself is fading
Sisters we must bring them back!
Find the seeds and plant anew
Rewrite the myths now gone askew
No wonder apples have lost their taste
When the tales told of them speak untrue!

1 comment:

Beth Owl's Daughter said...

Oh, that is lovely, Sarah! We lost a truly wonderful, Mighty One of the Craft when Shekhinah crossed over.

Thanks for sharing this.